Irish Gay Dads

Supporting Irish Gay Dads & Dads to Be

About Us

In 2016, the founder of Irish Gay Dads, Daragh Nener-Lally, and his husband embarked on their first surrogacy journey. They encountered roadblocks when attempting to determine the legal status of international surrogacy in Ireland, as well as finding similar experiences from others. Despite the existence of LGBTQ+ groups and international forums for fathers, none existed that addressed the particular challenges faced by Irish gay, bi, queer, and trans dads. Determined to create a supportive community, Irish Gay Dads came to fruition and has experienced steady growth since, with over 1000 members to date.

Our Group's Purpose and Goals

The community we serve is made up of families seeking advice and support on surrogacy, adoption, fostering, and co-parenting. We aim to provide a welcoming and informative space for dads and dads-to-be, while also striving to influence and shape laws that impact our children, surrogates, and families.

Our primary goals are twofold:

  • To provide a supportive and friendly environment where members can share their personal experiences and seek guidance.

  • To advocate for change and work towards legal equality for all families, regardless of their background or composition.

Show your Support

The government is currently debating new legislation which will determine the future of Assisted Human Reproduction in Ireland.

Many families (gay and straight) are currently in an uncertain legal position. Please help us advocate for equal protection for all of Ireland's families.